Update 2017 of the Strategic Environmental Noise Map of Sofia Agglomeration


By Decision № 232 of 26.04.2018 of the Sofia Municipal Council the "Updated Strategic Map for Environmental Noise of Sofia Agglomeration" was approved. The map was made in 2009 by SPECTRI Ltd. in cooperation with "Geographic Information System - Sofia" Ltd.

The updating of the Strategic Noise Map for Agglomeration Sofia complies with the requirements of the Law on Protection against the Noise in the Environment and the Directive 2002/49 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council for the Evaluation and Management of the noise in the environment.

The updated strategic noise map provides an up-to-date look at the territory of the Sofia agglomeration with regard to the noise load and will provide the opportunity for planning and development of the quiet zones and residential complexes for staying, recreation and rest.

Very soon user can expect free access to the information in digital form via the Internet application iSofMap. There as separate theme map will be added maps by type of noise source and period of measurement.
